
What is a capability?

In the general sense, a capability is a means of granting the capability to perform some action from one part of a system to another.

Pact capabilities

A Pact capability is a little different from the general concept: there is no token that is passed around, instead it is tracked by the evaluator; and the only thing that can be done with a capability is to ask require-capability if it had been granted or not.

Put very simply, there are three aspects to using capabilities:

  1. Use defcap CAP ARGS to define a capability, along with a predicate that determines when it should be granted. This predicate can refer to the arguments provided, the module's data tables, or both.

  2. Use with-capability (CAP ARGS...) EXPR to grant the capability identified by CAP ARGS..., provided the capability predicate passes with those arguments.

  3. Use require-capability (CAP ARGS...) to ensure that somewhere earlier in the call stack, with-capability had granted CAP ARGS....

Although basic, this simple model allows us to implement the concept of "domain private functions": functions that may only be called by other functions if certain conditions have been met. Here's a quick example, where the functions foo and bar can only be called by entry, and only if certain conditions have been met:

(defcap FOO_CALLABLE (value:integer)
  (enforce (> value 0) "Value must be greater than zero"))

(defcap BAR_CALLABLE (value:integer)
  (enforce (< value 0) "Value must be less than zero"))

(defun entry (value:integer)
  (if (> value 0)
      (with-capability (FOO_CALLABLE value)
        (foo value))
      (if (< value 0)
          (with-capability (BAR_CALLABLE value)
            (bar value))
          (print "entry ignoring a zero value"))))

(defun foo (value:integer)
  "Foo never deals with negative numbers or zero."
  (require-capability (FOO_CALLABLE value))
  (print value))

(defun bar (value:integer)
  "Bar never deals with positive numbers or zero."
  (require-capability (BAR_CALLABLE value))
  (print value))

This example is a bit contrived, but note a few attributes of this code:

  • Neither foo or bar can ever be called directly, but only through calling entry.

  • entry cannot never call foo and bar with invalid values, as defined by the associated capabilities.

  • For a given value, entry can call either foo or bar, but never both.

From this it can be seen that Pact capabilities allow for flexible access control based on user-provided arguments, or data read from the database.


Defining a Pact capability requires four elements:

  1. A name.
  2. Arguments that will be passed for every reference to that capability.
  3. A predicate that determines when the capability should be granted via with-capability.
  4. Whether other capabilities should be granted along with this capability, using compose-capability.

Below is an example definition. Note how it uses both the capability argument, and access to the module's tables, to determine whether granting should occur. The use of compose-capability here is somewhat artificial, but is used to show a full definition covering all the possibilities:

(defcap ALLOW_ENTRY (user-id:string)
  "Govern entry operation."
  (with-read table user-id
    { "guard" := guard, "active" := active }
    (enforce-guard guard)
    (enforce active "Only active users allowed entry")
    (compose-capability (ANOTHER_CAPABILITY user-id))))


The special form compose-capability (CAP ARGS...) can be used only within the body of a defcap, and serves to extend the set of capabilities granted by that capability, provided the predicates of the composed capabilities also pass. Consider the following definition:

(defcap FOO (user-id:string)
  (compose-capability (BAR user-id))
  (compose-capability (BAZ user-id)))

With this capability defined, the following two expressions become equivalent:

(with-capability (FOO "bob")
  (call "alice"))

(with-capability (FOO "bob")
  (with-capability (BAR "bob")
    (with-capability (BAZ "bob")
      (call "alice"))))

The advantage to composing capabilities in the defcap form is that it always grants the same set of three whenever FOO is granted.


The special form with-capability (CAP ARGS...) EXPR does five things:

  1. It checks to see if CAP ARGS... has already been granted. If so, evaluate EXPR and return.

  2. It calls the predicate for CAP, passing it ARGS..., and creates the capability token if it passes (along with any others that were composed with that capability).

  3. It pushes this set of granted tokens onto the call stack, so that future calls to require-capability can check for them.

  4. It evaluates EXPR.

  5. Revoke any tokens granted by popping them from the call stack. This scopes the lifetime of the granted capabilities to the evaluation of this call to with-capability.

In summary, with-capability is used to ensure that a given capability (or capabilities, if composed) can be granted at a certain point, and sets up the evaluator so that calls to require-capability can confirm this fact later on.


The special form require-capability (CAP ARGS...) simply tests whether the given capability CAP ARGS... had been granted earlier by with-capability; if not, it raises an error.

Managed capabilities

Pact also provides a service called "managed capabilities", although this is a bit of a misnomer. What it is really is a managed resource associated with a capability as described above. Although the syntax blends the two concepts for convenience, they are still separate and will be documented here as such.

In brief, a managed capability is a capability that can only be granted if a diminishing amount of a certain resource still remains. Think of a watering can: I can only use it to water my plants if there is water still in the can; and each time I use it, that much water disappears. Once it is empty, no more watering can occur.

We will look again at each of the capability operations, since their meaning changes slightly in the presence of this managed resource.


To define a managed capability, three additional things are required:

  1. An argument associated with the resource. Note that this argument also contributes to the identity of the granted token, as show in the example below.

  2. An @managed section that both names this argument and gives the name of a "management function" for decrementing the resource.

  3. A definition of that "management function". This function always receives two arguments of the same type as the resource: the current amount, and the amount requested in the call to with-capability.

Here is a classic example used by coin contracts to limit how much may be transferred during a particular transaction:

(defcap TRANSFER (sender:string receiver:string amount:decimal)
  @managed amount TRANSFER_mgr
  (ensure (> amount 0) "Amount must be non-zero"))

(defun TRANSFER_mgr:decimal (managed:decimal requested:decimal)
  (enforce (>= managed requested) "Transfer quantity exhausted")
  (- managed requested) ;; update managed quantity for next time

In this definition, the name of the capability is TRANSFER; the arguments associated with its capability tokens are sender, receiver and amount; and the argument associated with the resource is also amount.

Aside from the managed resource, managed capabilities are identical to unmanaged capabilities: They are granted by passing the capability name and arguments to with-capability, and they are checked by passing that same name and arguments to require-capability. The differences all relate to that new managed argument, and when the management function is called.


NOTE: This function really ought to be called install-resource, because it does not grant nor install a capability token in the way that with-capability does. It installs an initial resource amount in a special internal table that is associated with the specified capability.

So the special form install-capability (CAP ARGS...) does two things:

  1. It looks up which of the ARGS... is the managed argument.

  2. It installs that value into a special resource table in the current the evaluation environment, keyed by CAP ARGS... but without that argument.

To understand that second point a little better, let's look at the transfer example again. It was defined as:

(defcap TRANSFER (sender:string receiver:string amount:decimal)
  @managed amount TRANSFER_mgr

When we call (install-capability (TRANSFER "bob" "alice" 100)), behind the scenes it is calling a hypothetical install-resource-internal function like this:

(install-resource-internal (TRANSFER "bob" "alice") 100)

In this way, any future invocations of with-capability that mention "bob" and "alice" (in that order) will each deduct from this same resource until there is no more left.


The special with-capability (CAP ARGS...) in the case of managed capabilities is very similar to unmanaged capabilities, as described above, except for a new set of steps after step 3 in the section on unmanaged with-capability above, after the predicate has successfully passed:

  1. Lookup the current value of the resource named by CAP ARGS..., but where ARGS does not contain the resource value. In our running transfer example, this would be just (TRANSFER "bob" "alice").

  2. Take the value given in ARGS... that is associated with the resource.

  3. Pass the current amount from 3a and the requested amount from 3b both to the management function associated with the capability.

  4. If it passes, use the amount returned by the management function to update the remaining amount available in the internal resource table. Note that resource consumption is not scoped: it persists beyond the call to with-capability.

Other than these additional steps related to managing the resource, all the others details of with-capability remain the same. The granted token is identified by CAP ARGS..., including the requested resource amount, and all these details must be mentioned exactly by require-capability as before.

Here is a brief example that puts all of this together, assuming the same TRANSFER capability defined above:

(install-capability (TRANSFER "bob" "alice" 100))
;; the available amount of resource is now 100

(with-capability (TRANSFER "bob" "alice" 20)
  ;; the remaining amount of resource is now 80
  (require-capability (TRANSFER "bob" "alice" 20)))

;; the remaining amount of resource is still 80

To repeat what was mentioned above: the first argument to require-capability must always exactly match an earlier call to with-capability, no matter the type of capability.